Change of plans re Tobago Cays as the weather was overcast and not the best for snorkelling. Headed on to Bequia which is a lovely little island with a good anchorage at Admiralty Bay. The boats get met by one of any number of locals wanting to get you on their mooring. The little boats all have cute names like Blue Sky, Blessings, Daffodil, Why Worry, Phat Shagetc. They also come by selling bread, beer, lobsters and take away your laundry and rubbish – you do get your laundry back! Some of the moorings are a bit dodgy so Pete snorkelled on ours each day and it did move one night in high winds. It was two anchors that have since dug themselves in and are OK now. There are millions of tiny neon fish that get around in balls and attach themselves around you when you swim. Very pretty. Shore side it is a nice little town with beachfront stores, bars and cafes. We took at taxi tour of the island with a man who owns a model ship shop and he builds all the models himself, then shuts up and takes tours when anyone is interested. There are 4 other ARC boats here with us all planning on one last sail to get to St Lucia for the ARC finalities.