We plan to leave tomorrow midday. We'd have liked to have gone earlier but need fuel and it's too windy today. We'll try to get all the way to Port Elizabeth in one go. the locals tell us that after this last day of southerly wind that the seas will still be high so we'll see. the other boats that left on Monday seem to have made good progress. Poor Garlix got hit by lightening in Durban and have lost all electrics, electronics etc. They have carried on though using a hand held GPS, mobile phone and Ayama as a navigation pilot. Very brave. Hand helming all the way to Capetown! Hugur may be back in the water today, they had big leaks around the rudder on both sides letting in mountains of water! We all suffered to one degree or another coming south of Madagascar.....most of the mono hulls took on water, Mindy from Wayward wind actually wrang out her mattress upon arrival, Aretha nearly lost their forestays when they noticed the stainless steel swage unravelling and had to fly a rigger up from Cape Town to meet them here..However we all survived.

Oscar has met a local lad, Ethan and has stayed over a few nights. They've been out to look at his horse and sailed together in Ethan's sailing school boat. He's a keen sailor and is competing in the state championships in a few weeks. We did all our provisioning for the next few weeks yesterday so we're set to go.
