After being in St Pierre for a day or two we got an email from a couple we met last year in Anse Noir to catch up with them before we left Martinique. As we were just hanging around waiting for Pete’s results from his spot we sailed back to for de France and booked in to the marina where Jean Luc and Lisa stay living on board. He is a local and she a nurse from Perth. I don’t know who is manning the Perth hospitals but there are quite a number of their nurses out sailing around here who we have met! The marina was astonishingly cheap – we paid 120 euros for 7 days including power and water (ran the air con 24/7 because we could). We spent time doing more odd jobs – they never end – including fixing up the pasarella (gangplank) that we started in Brazil. Jean Luc had business in Guyana but we saw a bit of Lisa which was fun, she took us to one of the big malls with a Hyper U supermarket that was straight from Paris. We got Pete’s results – all OK so sailed for St Pierre again then up to Prince Rupert Bay in Dominica. A good sail of about 8 hours. Here you can check in and out at customs as the same time which is pretty handy – they let you stay up to two weeks. As we were here before and looked around lots we are going tomorrow to Les Saintes. Another French colony, part of Guadaloupe – so more baguettes I expect! We ae still trying to lose the few extra kilos we put on in Australia last year – Pete by foregoing wine in favour of baguettes and me by foregoing baguettes in favour of wine! It is sort of working………not.