We’re heading south now for Grenada ready to get hauled mid July. It is now very much off season here and the islands are quiet with mostly only places the locals use open. We stayed at Clifton Beach for 5 days. There is an island in the bay called Happy Island made entirely out of conch shells. It seems that there was a guy who had a café at the next beach round and had two problems: one was not enough customers and the other was where to get rid of his empty conch shells from the lambi meals (the snail inside the shell). He began putting them on a bit of sand that came out at low tide at Clifton and eventually had enough ground to build a café, and with the addition of some concrete, a whole construction with it’s own water collection and wind and solar generation. We first went there for a drink but Misha (the original guy’s nephew) did not have change for a $EC100 so we had to return the next day to use up the balance! Lots of rum punches and G and Ts. We had asked to come for dinner so Misha made us a really nice mahi mahi meal with local extras. A really cute and interesting place. In the season it really gets going but was lovely and quiet, with us the only people there the first day. The next day a couple of time share boats called in. We imagined trying to do something like that in Australia!!!!!!
We had a great 3 hours sail to Cariacou Island and are now in Tyrell Bay where we found Gary and Marie from Mai Tai. We went to drinks and dinner at Lambi Queen with two other people from yachts but got driven back to our boats when they started up some steel drums. The other boats both English gave us a hard time about the rugby but we said “Well at least were still speaking to Europe!”
The weather has become rainy and unreliable – typical for this time of year. We caught a gap in the rain to go and explore some mangroves where boats can go in an emergency as a hurricane hole but otherwise is a protected area. Would make a top marina!
We hosted drinks on board for Mai Tai, Apollo and Manx Goose (from the Lambi Queen night). It was a big night but lots of fun. We’re all heading south in the next few days. Dave and Anna from Apollo are being hauled the same day as us.
Last night was Canada's national day and there were drinks and hot dogs on shore. The Canadians weren't much in evidence the next day. Carriacou Island has a Fisherman's birthday day where the fishing history of the Island is recognised by free drinks and food all day and night. We went to the one around at Paradise Beach then found out that there was one at Tyrell Bay too. The internet on the boat has been pretty patchy so we've been going ashore to get news of the Australian elections. Sounds like a shambles!