The start was delayed by 20 minutes because the start marker boat was late. We got off to a good start with the main and the gennaker out but after about half an hour the wind started to gust and we tore the tack out of the bottom of the gennaker! Anyway the guys have all been sewing and sticking and contact glueing so we will be able to use it, but now of course it's all unravelled....if the wind dies away sufficiently we will put it back out and see what happens. So far we're mostly running last because of the time taken out to get the sail down etc. Oscar's not worried as it is giving him extra time near the coast for internet coverage of his game. The seas started out pretty rough but have settled down to a nice swell but some current against all of us. Talk again from Christmas Island! We've been seeing the blogs and getting all the emails - really enjoy them, please keep it up! By the way Oscar and the Craven kids did all go to a local school and gave a presentation about themselves (via a translator) I'll put a photo up as soon as Casper gets one to me. An open air under a tree school with some very excited local kids who do not see many Europeans, if any, especially ones as fair as Oscar and the Cravens!
Don't seem to have enough coverage for putting pics up - will do from Christmas Island