All the ARC boats (well the crew I mean) went off to a wine tasting at Ayama Vineyards. It was organised by the yacht Ayama who contacted the winery people years ago when they were naming their boat and did a google search on the name and came up with the vineyard! It was a wonderful afternoon with great hospitality shown to us and lovely wine. We all tasted heaps and ordered even more heaps! the neighbouring wine maker also came over with his organic wines that were wonderful too. The estate was beautiful with wonderful views. they are an Italian couple who came here about over 10 years ago and bought the vineyard. They have about 40 people who live and work there - a bit feudal suspect. There was a pool and they have an 8 year old son so the kids had a great time too - especially Oscar who sneaked a few at the very end (say no more!) They delivered the wine down to the marina a few days later by truck. It was almost embarrassing going over in the dinghy to bring it on board! We had 9 dozen, and it was by no means the largest order. I had to sit on top of 18 boxes on the way back!  So much for Pete's big position on no glass bottles on board because of weight! A couple of tastings and it went overboard....Naturally we had to have a nice little lunch to try a bottle (or two) out. Pics soon - internet slow today

11 December

Oscar left today. We got up nice and early and got first in line at baggage check in. Mark had done the formalities for the airline for an unaccompanied minor. Then immigration decided that due tointernational custody issues and the kids running off to join Isis that they needed certified letters from both parents allowing him to travel from SA to Australia to be with his mother! Well, it was 6.30am in Luxembourg and 4.30 rush hour on Friday in Melbourne! Anyway after a fairly tense hour and a half we got it all done and he left!   Bye Osc.....